VJ Elisa of Eyesupply used my Horror Vacui drawings for her VJ visuals at STRP festival during Martyn's set last week. It was great to have an overwhelming 4D surround experience, matching visuals, sound and space. Below is the clip showing Martyn playing "Left Hander" that is out now on 3024, number 010! It was a wicked night with people like Hudson Mohawke, Shed, Monolake, Modeselektor and Floating Points.
HORROR VACUI @ STRP Festival from Jeroen Erosie on Vimeo.
The good thing of seeing my work in the VJ-mixer is that there is a link between the "formats"of the masks used to produce and mix the imagery, it's a very different ( digital) approach to my analog use and abuse of Horror Vacui images, but there are quite some odd similarities as well.